Awesome exciting news πŸ™‚

I get to start working with a coach again to guide my preparations for the stage!

I am SO thrilled!

Physique competition prep is so challenging to accomplish solo.

This is happening by pure gift from people who love me and believe in me.

My coach is just as sweet as can be and I can tell she’ll have my back with the mental rigors of prep- and that’s a huge part of the battle!

Check back to watch me prepare and plan- I’m feeling ambitious, so expect something awesome πŸ˜‰

Have you ever competed, or thought about it? What was your experience?

What big hairy fitness goals do you have?



Quick Beef and Wild Rice bowl

Besides the magical microwave, the crockpot is my easy healthy cooking weapon of choice.

You pretty much ignore it and it does everything else!

And it does well with approximations, so you dump stuff in and cook it till you want to eat. My toddler can prep that!

So for today’s bowl I threw in:

1 cup mixed red, brown and wild rice
16oz 99% lean grass fed beef
1 onion
A bunch of water
1 can tomatoes
1 bag frozen broccoli
Garlic Salt up the wazoo

And I let that baby roll all day. The rice just grows, so does everything else. So when you go to eat it, it feels like loads of food!

This made about 6-8 servings, depending, so plenty of happy easy left overs.

I put a handful of fresh spinach under mine to wilt, and to add just a bit more veg. Then I topped it with crumbled mushroom, some of my mean homemade salsa, and fresh avocado. And more garlic salt. Lol.

Do you use the crockpot? I love how easy it is to control the quality of ingredients and how wonderfully low maintenance this whole process is.

You can mix all kinds of goodies in there and the crockpot will work it out for you!

Have a great day!


Quick Salad

I aim to eat as nutrient dense as possible, even when bulking, aka, adding muscle πŸ™‚

Sometimes you wanna ration your fat grams and might want to spend them on something other than the oil for your salad, as good for you as it might be to eat that oil.

The solution? A garbage salad!


chicken, 1/4 cup chickpeas, 1/2 small avocado, tbl fresh hummus, lots of salsa, spritz of vinegar, garlic salt, over a bed of fresh spinach


Leaving me room for avocado aaaaand a Halloween trader joe joe πŸ˜‰

Do you trade your calories, save here to splurge there?

Do you enjoy salads?


There’s Always Time :)

Pre-dinner HIIT cardio for the hubs.



Have you ever done HIIT?? It’s amazing. You burn some amazing fat while preserving that muscle. Win win.

Here are some awesome options from Around the Web:

fitness blender produces simple and effective workouts, tons of options for hiit workouts of varying lengths

jamcore produces some of the toughest hiit workouts I’ve ever done!

zwows by zuzka light are for the advanced exerciser, prepare to fall in love with this inspiring woman

And then lisa marie at dailyhiit who took zuzka’a place at bodyrock is also crush and love worthy- and oh so motivating



Are there pockets of time that you can squeeze in fitness?

Have you tried doing HIIT for your cardio in lieu of the traditional cardio exercises?

Happy sweating!


What to Do, Leftover Fruit??!

My eggwhites and oats are just not complete without toppings.

I love toppings.

Yes, it’s like a thing for me. Toppings. Maybe it’s growing up in the age of self-serve frozen yogurt shops, but it just makes eating egg whites and oatmeal something fun, like making an ice cream sundae.

So what happens when our fruit gets old? Well, a quick compote of course!

And I mean quick.

My cooking took a distinct turn when I became a mom. I use the microwave all the time.

Munchie never wanted me to put him down so cooking was a challenge to say the least. I tried nursing and stirring- not great results…

So I embraced that enemy of the slow cooking foodist and microwave almost everything. πŸ™‚

Today I had pluots and apples that were a breath away from a sour moldy death. That’s too many pennies wasted for this stay at home mom, thank you.

So I chopped them fruits up, tossed them in a bowl, and ‘sweetened’ ’em up with some raisins and dried mango.

Microwaved that baby for like 6 minutes, stirring every couple.

And here I have a lovely compote, pie like topping for my oats. And no food waste.


I know ZERO about canning, so I can’t say how safely or longly or howeverly to preserve something like this. I know between my yogurt today and my oats tomorrow this stuff will be gone by the time you read this. πŸ˜‰



Female Bodybuilding

I think a lot of people aren’t sure what to make of women who lift weights.

Seeing a lady load up a bar with a good amount of iron can still generate a lot of attention at your average gym. At least at the 4 gyms I’ve trained at in the past 6 months, I know my workouts were always watched.

More and more, fortunately, it’s becoming normative, at least it seems, for women to strength train, which is aaaaamazing.

I think really there isn’t a wrong way to workout- I mean, barring anything unsafe. If you want to run a bunch, run. Yogi? Yay!

But I’m really excited that more women, including myself, are dialing in on the awesomeness of heavy lifting.

What I love about it is the focus on building up the body- where so often female fitness is about tearing it down.

As I’ve dived into the world of bodybuilding, however, I see that the sport is trying to redefine itself to be more informed by women’s goals, fitness needs, and tastes. I mean, most people I’ve talked to about bodybuilding think 1) it’s about getting giant and manly and 2) I must be just doing jump squats and using weights under 15lbs because I don’t look big and manly.

Not true! Bodybuilding does for the body what salt does for food- it accentuates it’s natural flavor πŸ˜‰

Whether you want boulder sized muscles (after years and years of work…) or to be shapely fit and lean, lifting will help get you there.

I stumbled across this awesome manifesto regarding women and bodybuilding. Please go give it a read!

If you’re a bodybuilder, a fitness enthusiast or an insightful outsider, tell me, what do you think? What do you think about the emerging focus on strength training for women in the fitness industry?

Do you think you could embrace female bodybuilding?


The Family That HIITs Together

Here’s the HIIT routine my hubby and I did together while our dear toddler ran between our legs πŸ™‚ We were all cracking up, and sweating. IMG_0870.PNG

Let me know if you give it a whirl!


All About The Bass Butt Building- For the Home and Time Bound!

I feel so lucky- ok blessed, that I have a gym where I can go, filled with all the barbells and bumper plates a gal could dream of. But maybe that doesn’t describe you. Or, at least for today it doesn’t. Maybe you just want to stay home. Mmmmmm, blanket….

But maybe you also want to build a rounded popping booty. In not too much time. What can we say? You want it all. Typical you.

Well lucky you, today you get it all. Yes, that’s right Mick.

It’s true. There’s nothing like heavy loads to break down those muscles fibers, but there are some exercises requiring no equipment that can be done from home that will definitely achieve intensity and butt building glory. Jk.

Ok so you will need some stuff, but if you live in any standard traditional western society you’re likely to have what you need. And therefore, get what you want. Strictly regarding the booty, I mean.

In all seriousness, I’ll do some of these moves at the gym, even with all those lovely bumper plates at my disposal. These moves are meant to pump em up. They’re good.

And I’m going to tell you now: this only takes 22 minutes. That’s the length of 1 sitcom. 1 ole re run and your butt be bubbling.

Just getting the photos for this one gave my glutes a nice pump. πŸ˜‰

Here’s how it goes:

Grab something with which to time the workout. I use an interval timer app.
Set things up so you’re doing 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest.
On exercises that work only one side, proceed to the second side before moving on to a new exercises.

Don’t worry, I’ll write it all out in plain black and white at the end.


1. This first move is a variation on the high box step-up. Pick a stair that really makes you reach. Press deeply through your heel, contracting the working glute the whole time, squeezing at the top. Then lower the moving leg back down, keeping the working foot planted on that stair, heel digging digging in. Don’t move that foot from that stair, and repeat the motion. So you’re doing a crazy long lunge, pull through while contracting the glute, then back down. On the bottom end, kinda rock back into your hip to get a stretch and to increase the range of motion for the next rep. Do it for 50 seconds on one side, rest 10. Then switch sides.




2. This next move is a single-leg hip thrust. Using those stairs again, pick a decently high one and dig the heel of one foot into the stair, letting the other foot hang. Make sure your shoulders are flat against the floor, press into the working heel, squeezing your glute top-to-bottom of the motion as you lift your hip skyward. Keep your abdominals tight in order to support your back, lowering and lifting one vertebrae at a time. Do 50 seconds on one side, rest 10 seconds, and repeat on the second.




3. This next move is taking the last move up in intensity, an elevated single leg bridge. Instead of the stairs, you’re using a couch and a coffee table so that both your back and your foot are supported. Again, have one leg suspended, your butt also suspended between coffee table and sofa, then push through that heel and arc those hips. Squeeze your glutes together to propel the motion, and be sure to move through the whole range of motion, top to bottom. Rug to ceiling. The work comes through the range of motion, that’s why we’re elevating both your back and your foot. Adjust your back and shoulders as needed. Do 50 seconds on one side, rest 10 seconds, and switch on over to the other leg.





4. Were moving into the leg-lifts, starting with the kneeling donkey kick. At the gym I might hook myself to the cable machine, or jump into the butt blaster. To get the burn at home, simply squeeze those glutes the whole time, with an extra little umph as your heel hits the top of the arc. Don’t have your foot particularly flexed or pointed, let your foot go as it needs in order for you to find the most possible work in the glute. Start with your knee at your belly button, arc that leg, staying in control through the glute the whole time, and squeeze tight at the top through the glute and ham. 50 seconds on one side, rest 10, and switch to the second.




5. Next are the kneeling straight leg lifts with flexed foot Pick your leg, flex that foot, and squeeze that glute, as you lift and lower that foot to and from the floor. Keep your hips squared, and make sure the whole movement is nice and tight. Get a little extra room to at the top of the movement by squeezing your glute. 50 seconds on one side, 10 seconds on the other. Then switch legs.





6. Just a slight variation from the previous move, these are the kneeling straight leg lifts with pointed toe. Point that toe and lift your leg up and down, from floor to as high as you can get your foot while keeping your leg straight. Make more ‘room’ for the movement at the too not by bending your leg (a slight bend is ok), but by squeezing your glute. Your hips might open slightly at the top of the move. Do this for 50 seconds on one side, rest 10, then move to the second side.




7. The next is an oldie but a goodie: the clam shell.. Lay on one side, supporting your head in your hand. Lay your legs, one on top of the other, and bend those legs. Now you’re all set up. Squeeze those glutes tightly, and lift one leg while keeping the shape of the legs. Again, aim to to keep those glutes tight all the way through the outer and inner thigh area, letting your feet go where they need. Do 50 seconds on one side, rest 10, then do the next side.



8. The next move is a pliΓ© squat hold.. Channel that inner dancer, turn toes out, tuck your tummy, and squeeze your glutes as you lower towards the floor. Pull your thighs back by squeezing your glutes. Contract your belly button towards your spine to support your lower back- it’s important! Watch for any funniness from your knees too, and adjust accordingly. As you hold this isometric contraction, breath deeply, find your heart-center and dig deep! The pain is fleeting, let it go, and breathe!




9. Next in the isometric series is a wall sit. Lean up against a wall, and sink down while pushing your lower back to the wall. Contract those glutes and thighs. If your hips come off the wall that’s fine, whatever you need to do to get a lot of work out of the muscles.


10. Alright, keep contracting those quads and hammies! This next one is simply a single-leg wall sit. For this move, you remain in the seated position, pushing back against the wall, but lift one leg off the ground, focusing the intensity on one side. Hold for 50 seconds, rest 10, and proceed to the second side.


You have made it to the stretch! Well done, you!

For the stretch, do both stretches on one side before switching, and stretching the other side. Better flow, dude.

11a. For the first stretch, a cross legged glute stretch, start as if cross-legged, and bring one leg over the other, and hug your knee into the chest. As you feel the stretch, sink your glute towards the ground. Really feel it in your hip. Hold for 50 seconds, release 10, then continue on to the next stretch, in 12b.



11b. For the next stretch, what I’m calling a cross legged hip stretch, simply lower your knee to the floor to feel a deeper hip stretch. Fold yourself slightly over your legs to feel it even deeper in the hips. Hold for 50 seconds, release 10, and then repeat 12a and 12b on your other side.


Congratulations!! You’re booty is probably a leeeetle bit sore πŸ™‚

Here’s the break down

Home Butt Building Workout

50 seconds on; 10 seconds rest

1. single leg step up x1 per side
(2 mins)

2. single leg hip thrust bridge on stair x1 per side
(2 mins)

3. elevated single leg hip thrust on couch and coffee table x1 per side
(2 mins)

4. kneeling donkey kick x 1 per side
(2 mins)

5. kneeling straight leg lifts with flexed foot x1 per side
(2 mins)

6. kneeling straight leg lifts with pointed toe x 1 per side
(2 mins)

7. clam shell x1 per side
(2 mins)

8. pliΓ© squat hold
(1 min)

9. wall sit
(1 min)

10. single leg wall sit x1 per side
(2 mins)

Do both in a row on one side, then do second side:
11a. cross legged glute stretch
11b. cross legged hip stretch
(4 mins) .

Total time: 22 minutes

Tell me, what’s your favorite booty building move?

Let me know how the workout goes! Enjoy!